Odd Sized Feet


My name is Ólöf Hugrún Valdimarsdóttir and I was born with different sized feet. My right foot is two sizes smaller than the left foot. The right leg was also considerably shorter than the left. My parents discovered this very early on and I have had to wear shoes in different sizes since I took my first steps on my 1st birthday on December 27th 1983.

During my teens I had 3 operations to stop the growth in the left leg. This was done to give the right leg time to grow and even out the length of my legs. The procedures were successful and now there’s only 1 cm difference in the legs. My feet, however, are still and always will be of different sizes.

For a long time I believed I was the only person in the world with this problem. I’d never met anyone else like me. When I wasn’t wearing specially made shoes I had to buy two pairs of shoes. This was of course problematic and very expensive.


I decided to go on a quest to find my mirror image, my SOLE MATE, someone who could go shoe shopping with me. With help of Facebook and the Icelandic media other people with the same problem started popping up all over Iceland.


I actually found more than one lady that can mirror my feet. The Icelandic Facebook group Odd Sizers (Félag Misfætlinga) has helped dozens of Icelandic people find their SOLE MATE.

I urge all the Odd Sizers in the world to come out of the shoe closet and let their presence be known.

If your’e an Odd Sizer, join the group Odd Sized Feet community and stop feeling like the odd one out!

And for everyone else, feel ever so free to like, share and spread the word of Odd Sized Feet. After all, aren’t we all a little bit Odd…? 😉


Odd Sizer out! 🙂